What Our Parents Say

Here are the results of our most recent Parent Survey and some of the comments:

 Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDon’t knowNumber of responses
My child is happy at this school.65%33%1%0%1%335
My child feels safe at this school.67%29%2%1%1%335
My child is well looked after at this school.65%33%1%0%1%334
My child is well taught at this school.65%33%1%0%1%335
My child makes good progress at this school.60%37%3%0%0%331
My child receives appropriate homework for their age.52%41%4%2%2%330
This school makes sure that its pupils are generally well behaved.47%46%5%0%2%335
This school responds well to concerns I raise.51%40%4%0%5%333
This school deals effectively with the issue of bullying when it is raised.38%34%5%1%23%328
This school is well led and managed.57%40%1%0%2%329
I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress.48%46%5%0%1%332
The school provides a range of extra curricular clubs and activities.64%32%1%0%1%335
The arrangements for my son or daughter to settle in when he or she started at the school were good.69%29%1%1%0%333
Would you recommend this school to another parent?Yes 98%No 2%   327

The teachers have always been very supportive to my children and myself.

Very friendly, couldn’t ask for more!

All three of my children have been / are at this school and they couldn’t of been happier.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a parent who has attended SCPS&N.  Throughout the 7 years ** has received not just a great education but a fabulous nurturing environment.

We love our school!

Excellent school, great communication, lovely hardworking staff.

A happy environment for all children.

Lovely school – great staff.

Amazing school. Very pleased with everything.

This is a lovely school that’s very engaging to the children and parents. Thank you and keep up the great work.

** come home raving about everything they learn at school.  We are thrilled!

Brilliant school, never had any issues.  Staff always polite and helpful.

We have been very happy with how well ** has settled in school and communication has always been very good.  ** loves coming to school, we are amazed with how much she has learned.

I think this is a great school with great teachers.

My daughter really enjoys coming and is excited to tell us what she has been up to.

Really pleased with my child’s progress and the support he’s had.

I would like the opportunity to thank the school for all it’s done to ensure **’s wellbeing.  You have done a fantastic job of this and we are very grateful to the support you have shown.  Thank you

My son has challenges at school but is supported well by the staff who know him.  He enjoys his time at school and concerns are easily dealt with by supportive staff.

My son is making good progress.  He enjoys the challenge of school and loves the sporting elements of the school.

The school listens and responds to concerns appropriately.  Staff are approachable and friendly.

SUPER happy with how attentive school is.  Love the comms about safeguarding!