Year 5 – How to help in an accident/emergency situation – February 2022

Dear Families,

We hope that you are all keeping well and safe. We are sure that you are all looking forward to the half term break, can you believe that it is that time already? This half term has flown by thanks to the hard work and dedication of the children and your wonderful support.

As we cannot hold a traditional style Learning Cafe at present, we have put together another virtual one for you. We hope that you enjoy it. It has a PSHE theme, complimenting our current learning in class about how to help in an emergency/accident situation.  Please either submit work on Google Classroom or bring it into school by Wednesday 23rd February to be in with the chance of winning a prize!  

Try and get the whole family involved if you can! We really look forward to seeing what you do. 

If you have any questions or queries please do ask. Take care, stay safe and enjoy! 

Year 5 Team. 

Afternoon Tea – February 2021

Year 5 spent their afternoon amongst the highest of aristocracy at the Savoy Hotel. Virtually anyway! To launch their next English book; Kasper, Prince of Cats by Micheal Morpurgo, they began their lesson by going on a virtual trip through the streets of London, being stunned by the architecture of buildings whilst walking down the Strand. Once they arrived at the Savoy Hotel, a scrumptious Afternoon Tea was awaiting them inside the world-famous Thames Foyer. Children both at home and at school enjoyed delicious scones, cakes, sandwiches and a spot of tea whilst listening to the first chapter. Many brothers, sisters and parents were able to come along for our afternoon at the timeless hotel  too!

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Women in Mathematics and Science – November 2020

This term, year 5 have been studying ‘Women in Mathematics and Science’ by Rachel Ignotofsky. Miss Murray contacted the author and illustrator to share some of the year groups work  …. check out her response!!

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Year 5 brings space to Sheringham – October 2020

Incredible scenes from year 5 who captivated the imaginations of their year group by bringing Space to the classroom. The teachers and children looked amazing and the children loved hearing more about the Literacy Tree chosen book Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.