Stone Age – November 2020

On Monday Year 3 became Stone Age people for the day and took part in some activities to uncover how the Stone Age tribes used to live. The children enjoyed making shelters with some stone age and some modern equipment. We discussed why shelters and dens were so important and how these would have evolved through the Stone Age periods of time. The children ‘gathered and hunted’ pictures of stone age food and tried to make a menu for their tribe. I think the children were surprised by how much effort that took!!

Indoors the children made archeological poo and dissected it to find out what the Stone Age tribes might have eaten. We did some cave painting on paper on the walls ( some wonderful designs with our fingers as the paintbrush!) We took part in an archaeological dig and uncovered some arrowheads and  made some close observational drawings of these. The children then were given their own circular loom to attempt some weaving. 

The children loved their day and even though we have missed out on the Gressenhall trip this year it was great to bring the Stone Age to life for the children. 

A wonderful day was had by all.

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Year 3 Mark Remembrance – November 2020

The children in Year 3 have today been preparing for Armistice Day tomorrow by making poppy wreaths which Mrs McCaig and Miss West proudly placed onto the Town War Memorial this evening. We wanted to mark the occasion in a special way this year as many of us would usually have taken part in the annual Remembrance Parade on Remembrance Sunday, as members of Guiding and Scouting, but were unable to do so this year. If you get a chance when taking a walk, please do go and have a look at them.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For your tomorrow, we gave our today.

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Year 3 Foodbank Delivery

All of the fabulous harvest donations have today been delivered. The box In Tesco was pretty empty  before all of your kind donations were added to it. Thank you again everyone, have a wonderful week and we will look forward to seeing all of the children again on 2nd November.

Miss West & Mrs McCaig