Young Voices 2020

On Friday 24th January seventy nine children and staff headed to the 02 Arena in London for our now annual pilgrimage to the Young Voices concert along with nearly 8,000 children from around the country.

You could sense the excitement in the air as the children readied themselves for the journey down to the Greenwich Peninsula.Upon our arrival in London, well ahead of schedule, we said goodbye to the parents and headed into the arena for our three hour rehearsal where we got to sing with some of the other stars of the show; Tony Hadley, The Shires, Ruti. We also got to dance with the amazing Andy and the wonderful Urban Strides dance troupe.

With rehearsals over it was time for tea and then before we knew it we were back in our seats for showtime. As the lights dimmed the air filled with the cheers and screams of very excited children. The band started playing and we were off; singing the Doris Day medley Best of the West. The next two hours flew by. We sang a wide repertoire including Shiny Happy People by R.E.M., Ode To Joy with words by Pete Seeger, ‘Frightfest’ a medley of spooky songs and finished with A Queen Medley led by Tony Hadley, The Shires, Ruti and all the Young Voices singers. We also had Andy and Urban Strides lead us in a dance off with the dance, which was fantastic fun.

Before we knew it the show was over and we were on the coaches heading back to Sheringham with heads full of wonderful memories of our day at the O2.

Roll on Young Voices 2021!