Strandfest – June 2022

Choir and Hand Bells Perform at Strandfest. North Norfolk’s Glastonbury!

On Friday 24 th June 25 children from Year 4 and Year 5, along with Mr Cooper, Mr Amies, Mrs Bussey and Kirsty, headed to Sidestrand School’s Strandfest, to sing as a choir and perform on the Hand Bells.

We arrived in good time for the children to have a go on the various stalls. It wasn’t long before nails and faces had been painted in preparation for our performance.

We started with Mrs. Bussey’s Year 5 Hand Bell group. The children were transfixed by the chimes of the bells floating from the tent. The children performed three pieces; Bobby Shafto, Polly Wolly Doodle and Oranges and Lemons.

Next up was the choir. We started with two traditional acapella folk songs; Akeelie Makola and South Australia and then brought things more up to date with The Banana Splits TV theme tune, the Tra La La Song and Jungle Book’s I Wanna Be Like You. We finished our performance with another folk song Essequibo River and a rousing version of Summer Holiday.

It was then time for a well-deserved lunch.

We had a fantastic day, which finished with a rousing sing song in the mini-bus on the way home.

We’d like to say a big thank you to all the staff and children at Sidestrand School for inviting us, and making us feel so welcome. Also, to Mr. Cooper, Kirsty, Mr Amies, Mrs. Bussey and Nigel for taking us.