How We Teach Maths in Reception – 4th February

We are excited to send you our maths learning cafe today. To start with there is a short (ish!) power point, in 3 parts, for the grown ups to hopefully explain a little bit about how we teach maths in Reception. Then the rest of it is for you to do together with your child. We appreciate that it can be hard to find the time so we will give you until after half term to have a look and have a go at some of the activities. Mrs Hooker our Learning Cafe Lead has a prize for one family in each class. Everyone who posts something on Tapestry about the learning cafe and what you have done at home, will get entered into the prize draw. Then a name will be picked at random after half term.

Here are the things you can do…

  1. Adults – watch the information video
  2. Children and adults – Listen to their teacher read the story, Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons
  3. Watch the video on You Tube of someone reading the story (link below)
  4. Watch an episode of Number Blocks (link below)
  5. Watch the video of your teacher explaining the activities you can do following on from listening to the story.

Pete the Cat being read on You Tube

Number Blocks

In your child’s book bag you will find two sheets, one with 4 buttons on it and one with numbers and buttons on it. The activity video will explain what to do with them both.

We hope you have fun taking part in the Learning Cafe and we can’t wait to see some pictures on Tapestry.

Mrs Keogh and Mr Cresswell