The Opera Project, 13th November

On Wednesday 13th November a group of children in Year 5 travelled to London to perform at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Music For Youth annual concert. It was a fantastic day with over one thousand young people taking part. 

As part of the Norfolk Schools’ Children’s Choir we had to perform a twelve minute version of Mozart’s The Magic Flute accompanied by a full orchestra and some amazing young opera singers. It was an amazing experience  to perform in front of thousands of people at such an iconic venue. 

Mr Cooper would like to say a huge thank you to all the children, parents and Miss Murray for all their support throughout the journey that got us to perform at such a wonderful event. 

I’m sure it will be an experience that the children will never forget.

GR8 AS UR, 7th November

On Thursday 7th November the whole school had a GR8 AS U R workshop.  This introduced some new schemes for use around the school to promote self esteem and resilience as well as helping others.  Unfortunately Year 3 were out on a trip but they will have their workshop in the next few weeks.

The following day Nursery, Year 1 and 2 all had a fantastic time watching Ollie Day perform Dizzio’s Magic Show.  This show both amazed and engaged the children, even the little ones..