Skipping Workshops – September 2023 

Last week we were very lucky to be able to invite The Jump Rope Company & Coach Chris into the school, to run session across the school from years 1-6. This was a fantastic opportunity to show the children a different way to exercise and have fun. 

Coach Chris has a brilliant website where you can use his free resources to move through different stages of skills or you can use the “Tricktionary” section where there are slo-mo videos of hundreds of skills to practice. These can be found under the ‘Learn’ section on the website. 

We also have the privilege of a discount code for his website if your child/children would like to purchase their own skipping rope which will last a long time. 

I hope all of the children had as much fun as I did! I certainly saw lots of smiling and red  faces throughout the two days! 

Here is Coach Chris’ website details and the discount code is 


African Drumming Workshops – September 2023 

We have been enjoying some African Drumming Workshops as part of our multi-cultural week.

SCPS&N Science Champions!

On Tuesday 28th March the live final of CAST education’s Top Class Science competition was held at the UEA and we are delighted to tell you that one of our Year 6 teams was victorious! Preliminary rounds were held online against other schools across Norfolk with both of our teams making it through to the semi-finals. Team 2 prevailed and found themselves matched in a live showdown with the second highest placed competition school from the heats – Trowse Primary. The composure and knowledge of the Sheringham scientists prevailed and they came away victorious with a final score of 71-45. We were / are so proud of them – well done all! (A special thank you to Mr Perrem for organising our participation and spear-heading our winning ways!)

Poetry Slam – July 2022

Five Year 5 children went to Norwich Arts Centre on Friday to compete in a poetry slam with four other schools. We had a fantastic time, watching some amazing performances from the other children and superb local poet, Lewis Buxton. Everyone was so brave and performed with such pride and confidence. It was so wonderful to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments, and Sheringham won the Judges Choice Award, coming away with some chocolates, a book, and lots of big smiles!

Strandfest – June 2022

Choir and Hand Bells Perform at Strandfest. North Norfolk’s Glastonbury!

On Friday 24 th June 25 children from Year 4 and Year 5, along with Mr Cooper, Mr Amies, Mrs Bussey and Kirsty, headed to Sidestrand School’s Strandfest, to sing as a choir and perform on the Hand Bells.

We arrived in good time for the children to have a go on the various stalls. It wasn’t long before nails and faces had been painted in preparation for our performance.

We started with Mrs. Bussey’s Year 5 Hand Bell group. The children were transfixed by the chimes of the bells floating from the tent. The children performed three pieces; Bobby Shafto, Polly Wolly Doodle and Oranges and Lemons.

Next up was the choir. We started with two traditional acapella folk songs; Akeelie Makola and South Australia and then brought things more up to date with The Banana Splits TV theme tune, the Tra La La Song and Jungle Book’s I Wanna Be Like You. We finished our performance with another folk song Essequibo River and a rousing version of Summer Holiday.

It was then time for a well-deserved lunch.

We had a fantastic day, which finished with a rousing sing song in the mini-bus on the way home.

We’d like to say a big thank you to all the staff and children at Sidestrand School for inviting us, and making us feel so welcome. Also, to Mr. Cooper, Kirsty, Mr Amies, Mrs. Bussey and Nigel for taking us.

Author, Elly Griffiths’ visit,  June 2022

Wow what a wonderful afternoon we have spent with the renowned Author Elly Griffiths. Our Year 3, 4 5 and 6 children really enjoyed meeting her and hearing all about her life so far as a writer. The children loved giving their ideas and we were overwhelmed with ideas and new book characters etc. Her new series for children is called ‘A Girl Called Justice’ and we were so pleased that some children had a copy of her book for her to sign. Mrs McCaig does have some stickers if your book did not arrive in time so please come and see her for a sticker with Elly’s signature on it when you get your book. 

We were so, so pleased to spend an afternoon in this fantastic authors company. Thank you to Dom from Hachette publishing for making the visit happen and to Alex Steward for suggesting the visit as Elly had been at the high school in the morning. 

Elly has helped organise a competition as well, see the details below. 

Hope we have some great entries. 
Many thanks
Suzanne McCaig

Photography Competition Spring 2021

Sheringham PTA would like to thank everyone who entered their Spring competition. We had some wonderful entries and it was a pleasure receiving them and looking at all the beautiful flowers, animals and landscapes that Spring has to offer! 

The school council thought long and hard about the winners and eventually decided that these photographers had the winning entries: 

  • Zach  – KS1 
  • Bethany – KS2
  • Craig  – adult category 

They have all won an incredible £20 voucher to spend on something of their choice! 

Huge congratulations to you all and thanks again to everyone who entered. 

World Book Day 4th March 2021

Thank you to all those who took part in our Masked Reader competition on World Book Day. It was great fun both in and out of school for all involved, and it’s so wonderful that so many children (and adults) played along!

Due to unforeseen circumstances (Miss Murray breaking her wrist!), there has been a delay in announcing the winner, however, the results have been counted and varied and we can now reveal the winner of SCPS’s Masked Reader 2021 is…. *drum roll*




Elijah M in 3W

Congratulations Elijah! Your prize of an Amazon Gift Card worth £10 will be winging its way to your classroom, shortly!

World Book Day this year will be virtual, to celebrate books and stories we know and love, staff will become The Masked Readers – they will be in disguise and read an extract from one of their favourite books.

Can you figure out who is behind the mask?

Videos will be released on World Book Day, along with a form for children to complete with their guesses. Winners will be announced the following week.