Frog Art

The children at school were Inspired by the frog spawn in the garden and drew and painted with watercolour paints our own frogs

Charlie, 1B

Charlie has been working really hard at home and has loved the challenges.
His favourite tasks have been the book writing and phonics.
He’s been playing fun games outside involving maths too as he’s not as keen on it as he is with his English!
He’s made a scrap book with his work and photos in which he’s looking forward to showing Miss Bye when he returns to school.

Netball Report – March 2020

Our last event we attended was the HIgh 5 netball tournament at Beeston Hall School. We played two teams and played against four other schools. High 5 is slightly different to what we are used to playing in this game you have to move around positions each half and there are no WA/WD which is a very popular position to play. We represented our school to a very high standard as we always do, both teams played their hearts out and our A team came away champions. The B team played really well and placed 3rd in their pool of matches. This was a brilliant event ran by Mr Upton as always very organised. It is a great feeling to win this for the second year and hopefully we will remain the champions next year.

Miss Parish

Year 2 Online Learning Timetable

Hi Year 2,
Hope you are all well and finding some fun things to do during your home learning time!

Here are some ideas to have a look at online. You don’t need to print anything, just use the sites for ideas. 
We will be posting some more ideas soon!

Take care and stay safe!
We miss you!
Miss H, Miss C and Mrs S!👍

Sophie, 5T, Daffodils

Sophie decided to do her own project last week on daffodils as she has many of them growing in her garden. She dissected one and then looked up and labelled all the parts, giving each a short description of what their role is.

Daniel Ralph & Joshua

Daniel (Year 4) followed a YouTube tutorial on painting trees in blossom and produced this amazing piece of artwork. 

Ralph (Year 1) is really proud of himself for reading this book all by himself.

Joshua (Year 6) has drawn this amazing elephant from scratch.