Home Learning Gallery w/c 6th April

Arthur’s Art

Arthur, from year 2, the chosen theme for art today was Pokemon. 

Sam’s Snail

On one of Sam’s daily walks along the cliff tops in Sheringham he found a snail which he decided to care for and research. Here he is with his snail named Clifford and some really interesting facts about snails. 

Kara-Louise Year 3

Kara has been busy at home from making a rainbow for her window to baking Easter cakes. Her act of kindness was donating some of her books to children in temporary accommodation and are self isolating. She has also been kept busy with arts and crafts and made some lovely pictures of Spring flowers. Well done.

Dexter Y4 and Maxwell Y3 have been learning new life skills of preparing and cooking a Roast Dinner.

Brandon was so happy that he made this cake all by himself. He weighed all the ingredients out and mixed them all together then decorated it too. He said it tasted delicious.

School Garden – April 2020

The garden is bursting with new life at the moment,the broad beans are growing well and have lots of flowers on them,the raspberry canes have started to shoot and the tomatoes and peas are appearing  from the soil in the pots.Our apple trees that we planted from pips are getting stronger each day and the chives are increasing at a fast rate and soon will have purple flowers on them. Some exciting news is that the tadpoles have started to hatch and the surface of the pond is wriggling with the new arrivals , they  just look like tiny worms at the moment. 

Eva Y3 and Harrison Y4

Eva and Harrison have been busy completing the school challenges. Eva has been studying and copying Picasso and Harrison is researching Australia.