Charlie – Year 1

Charlie enjoyed learning about volcanoes from making his own to painting a picture of one and making a fact file.

Sam – Year 5

Sam found a hedgehog at the side of the road and called it Mr Pickles, a week later he found another one and named this one Brianna. He kept Mr Pickles overnight before taking it to the Hedgehog Rescue Centre in North Walsham as he had some ticks and released Brianna after a couple of days feeding her up until she was strong enough to go. 

Abigail (Y2) and Hannah (YR) Thank You Song

Abigail and Hannah were inspired by the amazing rainbow that the pupils in school had made and decided to make a thank you song for the NHS. Abigail wrote the lyrics (with a little help from mum) and both girls did all the singing with Abigail playing some of this on the piano. The whole family worked together with the recording and final piece. 

Charlie – Year 1

Charlie’s chosen topic to learn about was the body. He’s been reading his ‘inside your body’ book and then labelling diagrams.