Year 1 Nativity

Well done to everyone in Year 1 for their fantastic nativity performances. You were all absolute stars!

KS2 Athletics – June 2022

Well done to all of the children who took part in the KS2 athletics last Monday at Mundesley. Our school came 4th overall but we came away with lots of medals. All of the children gave their all and it was lovely to see them supporting each other. 

An extra special congratulations to Lulu, who broke the Year 6 girls long jump record, jumping 1.9 meters!!

Mr Roper 

Year 6 Hautbois Camp June 2022

Sunshine and smiles were in abundance at our Year 6 Summer Camp. This was the first time we made use of the activity centre at Hautbois, and it was a resounding success. Several of our children had never camped before so sleeping under canvas was an exciting new experience – even if it did make for a late night and early morning! Our days were filled with activities including: bushcraft (fire making), climbing, archery, paddleboarding and raft building to name a few. The children showed amazing resilience and encouragement towards one another as some challenged themselves with activities outside their usual comfort zone.  Our two rules for camp were ‘have fun and be kind’ – it’s safe to say that we more than achieved this. A big thanks goes to all at Hautbois for helping our children to have such a fantastic time.

Author, Elly Griffiths’ visit,  June 2022

Wow what a wonderful afternoon we have spent with the renowned Author Elly Griffiths. Our Year 3, 4 5 and 6 children really enjoyed meeting her and hearing all about her life so far as a writer. The children loved giving their ideas and we were overwhelmed with ideas and new book characters etc. Her new series for children is called ‘A Girl Called Justice’ and we were so pleased that some children had a copy of her book for her to sign. Mrs McCaig does have some stickers if your book did not arrive in time so please come and see her for a sticker with Elly’s signature on it when you get your book. 

We were so, so pleased to spend an afternoon in this fantastic authors company. Thank you to Dom from Hachette publishing for making the visit happen and to Alex Steward for suggesting the visit as Elly had been at the high school in the morning. 

Elly has helped organise a competition as well, see the details below. 

Hope we have some great entries. 
Many thanks
Suzanne McCaig

How Hill – Day 2

We started the day in cold, but glorious sunshine! After having a hearty breakfast, we took a boat trip along the broads, towards the village of Irstead. Along the way we saw some amazing sights such as swans, otters and marsh harriers. Although along the way, the rain poured down and we all got soaked (thank goodness for waterproofs)!  

We learnt all about the ecology of the broads, then spent time dyke dipping, identifying all the invertebrates that we could find. After a break for lunch, we spent the afternoon being scientists and testing the quality of the water. 

After a few thunderstorms we’ve all gotten used to the rain now and no longer mind if the rest of the week is rain or shine! 

How Hill – Day 1

We’ve had a great start to our trip, even though it seems that we have brought the rain with us! Despite the drizzle we all went on a nature trail around the grounds, looking at different habitats and the animals we may see there. When in the bird hide, we spotted a coot and ducks, even some very large dragonflies. 

Later we dissected owl pellets and found a variety of bones and skulls! We have also learnt to weave and everyone has started a very successful project!

The rain looks like it might be sticking around tomorrow, but that isn’t going to stop us making the most of our trip!