Charlie – Year 1

Charlie has been working super hard learning about space and the Solar System . He’s found out lots of facts and has made his very own show box solar system. For the planets he used scrunched up balls of tinfoil and painted them all the appropriate colours.

He’s very pleased with the final product. 

Samuel – Year 1

Week 5 of lockdown … Samuel has been busy working on his booklet from reading to maths and making dens and exercising in his local area. 

Hannah (Year 2) and Abigail (Reception)

At the weekend Hannah and Abigail completed a 2.6 challenge to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital. For their 2.6 challenge they made an obstacle course around our garden.  They had to complete 26 laps around the course which was very tricky and tiring and took 1.5 hours to complete. Some of the obstacles consisted of going over and under things, balancing on  wood, dribbling a ball through buckets and throwing beanbags into a box.

They raised a total of £366 for Great Ormond Street Hospital, this charity was chosen because they are both in the Madge House in school and GOSH is the chosen charity the house is supporting this year. 

Isla (Reception) is baking.

Isla made some delicious dairy free easter nests last week! She measured out all the ingredients she needed and put lots of marshmallows on top! Obviously the best bit was tasting them at the end which she said they taste delicious! 

Amelia (Year 1)

Amelia found an old coin on her bike ride and thought it may be a roman coin?? She is now wax rubbing to see if we can find any markings on it.

Jay Jay Year 5

Jay Jay says he is missing school and his friends and says ‘hello’ to everyone. He is doing his homeschooling with mum Karen. As well as making good use of his trampoline for his daily exercise and walking his dog Scruffy with dad Roy. He also enjoys cooking tasty meals. 

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Ambrose (Y6) and Hector (Y3) used their daily exercise to complete a mini nature scavenger hunt. Armed with binoculars they spent some time in the morning hiking near their home. 

New Skills – Kite Making

Freddie (Year 3), Bertie (Year 2) and Teddie (Nursery) are all learning new skills to use ‘big tools’ safely to make their kite.