World Book Day 4th March 2021

Thank you to all those who took part in our Masked Reader competition on World Book Day. It was great fun both in and out of school for all involved, and it’s so wonderful that so many children (and adults) played along!

Due to unforeseen circumstances (Miss Murray breaking her wrist!), there has been a delay in announcing the winner, however, the results have been counted and varied and we can now reveal the winner of SCPS’s Masked Reader 2021 is…. *drum roll*




Elijah M in 3W

Congratulations Elijah! Your prize of an Amazon Gift Card worth £10 will be winging its way to your classroom, shortly!

World Book Day this year will be virtual, to celebrate books and stories we know and love, staff will become The Masked Readers – they will be in disguise and read an extract from one of their favourite books.

Can you figure out who is behind the mask?

Videos will be released on World Book Day, along with a form for children to complete with their guesses. Winners will be announced the following week.