Isla 4B Poem

Isla from 4B has written the this wonderful poem about the weather

‘March 25th and  the world stood still, 
We step outside into the morning spring chill, 
The earth has stopped to breathe, 
We can now hear the swaying of the swishy swashy leaves. 

The crisp blue sky is like an ocean , 
It warms our hearts so full of emotion. 
As we stay inside the sun beams through the glass, 
I wish I was playing with my friends from my school class. 

There are a few hazy clouds up in the sky, 
Looking quite lazy as they pass us by. 
The birds are chattering to each other , 
I see a baby bird being fed by its mother. 

The beautiful colour of the pinky white blossom on the trees, 
Attracts lots of yellow and black humming bees.
Daffodils and bluebells are coming into bloom ,
I really hope that the corona virus will be gone soon. 

The streets are motionless from here to there, 
No one can be seen anywhere. 
I hope by the summer we can swim in the sea , 
With the cold aqua crystal clear water lapping around me. 

By Isla