Science Trip – February 2020

We were lucky enough to be invited to take some children to visit Mark Thompson’s Award Winning Spectacular Science Show at the Auden Theatre, Gresham’s School.

Miss West organised to take a minibus filled with excited scientists along. Each teacher in the Juniors (Year 3-6) nominated a child who has shown a particular interest in science to go along.

Quotes from the children when we got back to school:

‘I think that you should definitely go if you get the chance.”That was a blast of fun!”It was definitely a blast!”It was more spectacular and magical than I expected.”He set fire to his hand without burning himself!”Very inspiring, it makes me want to know more about science.’

‘I caught one of the air doughnuts!”I got to go on stage and failed when I tried to blow up a giant balloon  but I did get a roll of toilet paper blown in my face!’

The show really did prove to be a hit!

If you would like to find out more visit You could learn how to make toilet paper fly or what elephant’s toothpaste is like!