What Our Pupils Say

I feel more confident as a reader as we are reading more.

English makes me happy.

I like researching for my homework.

I like the homework because it helps us when we do things back in school.

Morning start means we don’t have to rush so much at home, we can have breakfast there so I don’t have a hungry belly until lunch.

It’s a really nice place.  All the adults and kids are nice.  No one bosses you around.

It’s absolutely amazing, it makes me feel ready to learn or ready for changes as I can get stressed.

I like the garden because we have lots of fun. I like fishing in the pond.  I really like the end of the day because we have a story and I really like stories.

I like the teachers because they help us learn.

I like play time because I play football and it gets me lots of exercise and it’s so much fun!

I like our library. Every book I read gives me information.

"Best school ever! I have been here for 6 years and I am going to high school next year" Year 6 pupil 

I think that the school is a very nice and caring place. There is always someone there if you need them and they can really help with our problems no matter what it is.

I think the school is a very happy environment

Our school is very helpful when I need it.  They understand when I am stuck or if I'm struggling.

The teachers are very amazing and help me learn.

Our school is great; we get to do lots of fun activities and there are loads of clubs and new opportunities.

Since I started in Year 1 I have enjoyed all of the clubs that the school provides.

Since I have joined Sheringham they have encouraged me to be confident.

I like forest school because you can make things and it's just like a forest! I like the pirate ship because you can have lots of fun.

I like the teachers because they help us learn.