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Clubs Spring 2023

Sheringham Junior Chess Tournament 27th May 2023 A4 Poster

Sheringham Junior Chess Tournament


We aim to offer a wealth of extra-curricular activities to further broaden learning experiences at the school.

These clubs are held during Lunch time (12.10 - 13.10) or after school (15.15 - 16.15) and range from sporting activities such as Football, Basket Ball and Circuit Training to more artistic groups such as Pottery, Drawing and Ukulele.

We are very proud of the extensive range of clubs where the children could race self-made go-karts in STEM club or performing at Young Voices in Choir.

Our Chess club has enjoyed huge success with individuals winning tournaments throughout Norfolk for many years.

We hope that the clubs and activities offered reflect any interest your child could have and we always strive to get as many children as involved as we can.

"Pupils also enjoy an
extensive range of clubs
covering a
wide range of interests."

Ofsted 2018