Pupil Leadership

Digital Leaders

There are two Digital Leaders in every Year 4, 5 and 6 class.  As Digital Leaders we help our classes in computing lessons when they get stuck. We switch on all the computers before the lesson and make sure they are all working.  We hand out and return tablets to the charging trolley.  We get extra practice with the Lego WeDo sets and make sure they are tidy.  We also help Nursey, Reception and KS1 with the Bee Bots.  As Digital Leaders we give other pupils E safety advice to help them know how to stay safe on the internet. Every other Monday the Digital Leaders go to the computer room for a meeting with Mr Perry.

The Digital Leaders


As prefects we get the privilege to do these jobs: hand out registers and also help the office staff with other small tasks. We help with the hall computer and put benches out for assembly. At lunch w can be found helping the younger children in the canteen and perhaps even help the MSA`S in the playground. We hand out lost property and help keep the library organised.  We enjoy making sure our school runs more smoothly.

Sheringham Plastic Awareness (SPA) Group

We are a group of 14 from each year group. The SPA groups is now in its second year. We are passionate about reducing the use of plastic in school. We save crisp packets to be recycled into money to buy new toys for playtimes. BUT most of all to reduce plastic rubbish.

School lunches have reduced plastic by buying big tubs of ice cream instead of individual plastic pots and the big tubs can be recycled.  We also don’t use cartons with straws for packed lunches.  We have recycling boxes for clothes and pens as well. The money from the clothes bank helps our Forest school, gardening and pond area. The pens will help us raise money and reduce plastic.

We do whole school projects about how to save the oceans around the world and what damage plastic does.

We want to get rid of single plastic use to protect our oceans.

We are getting this year’s ideas ready for our projects.

At the end of last year we won a community award from the Town Council for all of the hard work we do promoting plastic awareness.  The Mayor came to present us with our award.

House Captains

We are the House Captains and we are going to tell you a little bit about us. Sheringham’s four school houses are: Duncan, Bennett, Madge and Upcher, As House Captains our duties consist of; counting up the house points – that are awarded for good work, manners etc. -, helping at sports day and running house assemblies where we try to make them fun.

This year we have begun an exciting new campaign linked to our housepoints. Each house has carefully selected their very own charity! These charities are LPUK (Duncan’s) Love for LEO (Upcher’s) RSPCA (Bennett’s) and Great Ormond Street Hospital (Madge).

At the end of each term, £100 will be donated to the charity chosen by the winning house from termly house points.

All Stars

Every term each class teacher chooses two new All Stars. They are given a lanyard (with a how to help card attached) as well as an All Star badge, this makes them visible to others.

When asked what All Stars do our Year 5 All Stars came up with the following statement.

"All Stars are chosen because they are responsible, helpful, kind, respectful and make people feel happy."

The children also came up with the following statements:

  • If you see someone hurt you help them and make sure they're alright.
  • You also might play with people who don't have someone to play with.

The children all agreed that if you are all of these you'll make a fantastic All Star.

This absolutely sums up the ethos of what All Stars are about.