
Sheringham Community Primary School & Nursery is a non-selective, state funded all through primary school with its own Nursery.

First Admissions

Our Nursery department will take pupils the term after their third birthday. Those born between 1 September & 31 December will be offered a place in our January intake and those born between 1 January & 31 August in our September intake. If there are places available there may be a Spring intake. Pupils will be offered 5 sessions lasting 3 hours, either mornings 8.35am-11.35am or afternoons 12.05pm-3.05pm.

An offer of a place for a child in the Nursery can be no guarantee of a place being available in the main school. If parents qualify then we are able to offer 30 hour funded provision.

Starting School

Children born between 1 September & 31 August are offered a full time place from the September after their fourth birthday. Parents are entitled to defer their admission or request that their child attend on a part-time basis, however the child must start school on a full time basis during the academic year and no later than the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday. We would expect all children to attend on a full time basis from the beginning of the Spring term. Before admittance to Reception or Nursery there will be liaison between the pre-school setting, home and school to help allocate classes. Visits by the children and teachers to and from pre-school will also be arranged. We organise a home visit by the pupil’s teacher prior to their starting school or Nursery to ensure a smooth transition. In the Nursery and Reception the curriculum will be based on the DfE Early Years Foundation Stage and in the main school on the National Curriculum.

"I can and often
do recommend
this school to other


Other Admissions

Children wishing to enter higher up in the school must complete an ‘In-Year’ Admission application form and submit this to the Admissions Office, Children’s Services, Norfolk County Council, where your application will be considered within 15 school days (this can be obtained from schools, on-line or the Admission Team). Once this has been agreed we will contact you to arrange a time for you to be shown around the school and children are welcome to have a taster session in school prior to their joining us. Pupils will initially be allocated a ‘buddy’ from their new class who will show them where to go and what to do. Pupil records will be requested from any previous schools. Happiness and progress will be monitored. Children with an EHCP joining the school will be expected to have the necessary resourcing and provision to support their special needs.

Priorities for Admission

Although there is a statutory requirement for all schools to have an open Admission Policy, our foremost aim is to cater for the children of Sheringham, Beckham, Bodham, Beeston Regis, West Runton and Upper Sheringham. Only if there are spare places will children from other areas be considered. Our present Published Admission Number is 60 children per year.

School Admissions Criteria

  1. Children with a statement of special educational needs/EHCP naming that school;
  2. Children in care who are due to start school;
  3. Children who are due to start school, living in the area served by the school who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission;
  4. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission;
  5. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school.

If all children within any of the above rules cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school within that rule. To determine who lives nearest, distance will
be measured on a straight line “crow fly” basis, using Ordnance Survey data. The address will be measured from the post office address point on the property.

If you are unsuccessful in your bid for a place for your child at Sheringham Community Primary School & Nursery, you have the right to appeal.

Admission Arrangements for Pupils with Disabilities

The Department for Education (DfE) has published non statutory guidance on how schools can fulfil their duties under the Equality Act. Since 1 October 2010, the Equality Act has replaced previous equality legislation, including the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act.

Under the Equality Act, schools have a duty to make “reasonable adjustments” for people with disabilities. In paragraph 4.13 of the departmental advice document, the DfE summaries the duty as:

  • Where something a school does places a disabled pupil at a disadvantage compared with other pupils, then the school must take reasonable steps to try and avoid that disadvantage.
  • Schools will be expected to provide an auxiliary aid or service for a disabled pupil when it would be reasonable to do so and if such aid would alleviate any substantial disadvantage that the pupil faces in comparison to non-disabled pupils.

At Sheringham Community Primary School & Nursery we will ensure procedures are in place to meet this guidance so that:

  • Disabled pupils are supported to participate in the school curriculum and experiences to their maximum ability.
  • The school environment enables disabled pupils to take advantage of education and associated services.
  • The ethos in school prevents disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils.