School Council

Summer 2024

June 2024

On June 17th, we were lucky enough to have Karen, from Norse, visit with her kitchen team. School Council were able to take part in a tasting session for some new school meals. We were able to give feedback that Norse may action before they put these dishes on the menu.

On June 11th, School Council had their fortnightly meeting.

April 2024

Some of the school council members brought in the word that they are designing for a campaign that PC Houghton set up back in April.

Later in that session, we also set up a new play area, in the main playground, by taking play equipment over to the new shed and setting it up.

On 24th April, School Council met with PC Jack Houghton to discuss parking and traffic outside the school gates. Each member of the school council is going to design a poster for a word, which will eventually be put together into a campaign.

Spring 2024

Theme: Online Safety

March 2024

On March 7th, School Council helped to judge our World Book Day Comptetion with the help of Miss Murray.

This month, they also helped the kitchen staff encourage parents to drop by for a tasting session – obviously they were very keen to take part themselves too!

At the same session, once we’d finished tasting the left-overs, we set about shortlisting finalists for the online safety poster competition that we set up earlier in January.

February 2024

On February 27th, at our fortnightly School Council Meeting, we discussed suggestions that have come in via each class’s suggestion box.

We also served the school community by tidying the lunchtime play equipment:

On February 7th, School Council met with the School’s Catering Consultation Group from Norfolk County Council to give their thoughts on school meals. This followed discussion at the the previous day’s School Council Meeting.

January 2024

School Council’s focus for this term is Online Safety.

We are running a competition to design a slide that teachers will use as their first teaching slide in their online safety lessons.

Together, we designed a template for our online safety competition that has been sent home via Parentmail for anybody that wants to enter the competition. Depending on the number of entries, school council will choose a shortlist, which will then be put out to classes for voting. The deadline for this competition has been extended to 14th April, 2024.

The children in school council have also been designing a suggestion box for their class. This will allow any member of the class to post ideas for school council to discuss:

Autumn 2023

Theme: Litter

This term, school council have been working on litter. They have been discussing how litter affects the school and the pride that we should be taking in a litter free school.

On 28th November, 2023, school council took part in a litter picking session to help the school environment: